The Interim Representative will request that Item 1 be “Tabled Indefinitely” at the Special meeting on Wednesday night. This will effectively kill the item, which was already announced in the public notice and agenda. The agenda item reads “BLW 2020-001 – Interim Representative to request POA authorization to create Bylaw (BLW) 2020-001 and form a Board of Directors consisting of 5 members to include a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and At-Large and grant said Board authority to write bylaws as defined within the covenants.” On October 5th, the Interim Representative was provided a copy of the existing and filed Bylaws, which revealed that these items have already been addressed in the existing Bylaws, and the item is unnecessary. The meeting will immediately go to the next item once BLW 2020-001 is tabled indefinitely. The existing bylaws provide a provision to allow the new Board of Directors to have 5 members, which expands from the current 3 members. The duties of the President, Secretary, and Treasurer are currently defined in the Bylaws. The Association will vote to elect a Vice-President and At-Large Director in addition to these defined roles, which is allowable according to the current bylaws of the Association.